“The many shall suffer for the sins of the one.” This is the fabled Golden Rule that serves as the central focal point of The Forgotten City’s story, and it dictates that you and the city’s 23 or so residents can’t steal from or attack another human, lest the city’s guardian statues spring to life and methodically turn each citizen into solid gold - trapping them forever. It’s all a sight to behold, and the reimagined look and layout makes that true even if you’re a returning fan of the mod. It even has its very own Aqueducts that provide easy access across the city. No longer set in Skyrim’s Dwemer ruins, this Forgotten City is instead a gorgeous Roman stronghold, complete with historically accurate structures and architecture, including Villas and a public Forum. After creating your character, they send you into the nearby ruins in search of a stranger named Al, and the rest is Ancient Roman history.

The Forgotten City begins as you wake up next to the Tiber River with a mysterious hooded figure. Breaking away from the Elder Scrolls universe finally allows this terrific adventure to come into its own, with plenty of fresh twists, turns, and a heaping helping of self-aware dialogue that can leave your mouth ajar. Six years later, this freshly remade standalone game from original developer Modern Storyteller reworks, refines, and greatly expands upon the same cleverly interconnected ensemble cast and morally provocative story of that already fantastic mod. It’s an absolute triumph that a Skyrim mod could reach 3,000,000 downloads, let alone win a national award for the quality of its writing, but 2015 mod The Forgotten City did both.